Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Class Day 2

Today was the second day of class before my Italy and Greece Trip. We started the day at City Center and split into five groups. In each group we learned and practiced different techniques that would improve our photography.We revisited what we learned yesterday about light and the different ways to adjust the amount of light allowed into the shot.

Today we also learned about the depth of field, the rule of thirds, taking pictures with moving objects, setting up and using tripods, and differences in taking pictures in the sun and in the shadows. We ate lunch at Ruggles Green and then we headed back to the school to upload our photos and edit them in photoshop. The following photos are the top three pictures that I took today:

That is a VERY brief summary of everything that we learned and did today! We have one more day of classes tomorrow and then Thursday we leave for Italy!!

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